Case StudyEvent Hospitality Advertising Brand Commercial Strategy Creative Development Organisational Transformation Print Design

Seafarers Seafarers Britomart Identity

We helped transform a salty seafaring icon to a premium hospitality destination for Aucklanders.


Event Hospitality


Advertising Brand Commercial Strategy Creative Development Organisational Transformation Print Design


Design Transform
We were tasked with Auckland’s iconic Seafarers building located on one of the most expensive patches of real estate in New Zealand had become a derelict eyesore. We were tasked with transforming this location to a desirable premium hospitality destinations. The building’s rich history as a Sailors Home provided the basis of the nautical themed branding for the design system. Everything from elevator doors to House Rum. This idea was applied through the story telling of pattern forms, colour and many of the touch-points throughout the building.
Seafarer logo
Seafarers internal
Seafarer bottles
Seafarer internal
Seafarer menu card
Seafarers menu

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